What are Language and Learning Disorder (LLD) Referral Centres ?
LLD Referral Centres (CRTLAs), which are made up of specialised multidisciplinary teams, were established under the provisions of circular n° DGS/SD6D/MEM/2002/68 of 4 February 2002 to improve the diagnosing of children with Language and Learning Disorders. At present, each region has an LLD Referral Centre, one in Bourgogne and the other in Franche-Comté.
What are language and learning disorders ?
Basic learning: reading, counting, writing and spelling are not naturally acquired skills. They derive from teaching activities and are the primary objective of the initial years of schooling.
Close to 20% of children suffer from learning difficulties, the causes of which are numerous. Of these causes, the specific learning disorders are often not recognised, and are thought to affect 5 to 6% of children. Only children with the most severe conditions (1%) fall within the scope of a Reference Centre.
Specific language and learning disorders include include dyslexia, dysorthographia, dysgraphia, acalculia, dyspraxia, attention deficit disorder (with or without hyperactivity).
Why are LLD Referral Centres needed?
Learning disorders cause difficulties in communication, educational and social assimilation, and can have repercussions on the experiences of both the child, in terms of psychological suffering, anxiety and fatigue, and on the family.
A diagnostic approach and coordinated multidisciplinary management are called for.
Diagnosis and early treatment of learning disorders by means of appropriate rehabilitation, support for parents, pedagogical adjustments and psychological support are essential for the child, its family circle, and for teachers.
The task of LLD Referral Centres
Their task hinges on 3 areas of attention: recognising and understanding these disorders, identification, screening and diagnosis and organising responses.
- To recommend an accurate multidisciplinary diagnosis of the causes of specific learning disorders as a solution for especially difficult situations.
- To re-evaluate any condition that does not evolve favourably in response to the initial rehabilitative actions taken.
- To define a personalised treatment therapy plan and to assist in instituting special education measures.
- To assist with initial and continuing training of health and special education professionals.
- To act as advisors to educational, medico-social and nursing teams and to encourage the expansion of management facilities.
- To establish partnerships with the other key players involved.
- To contribute to research protocols.