About the Bourgogne LLD Referral Centre ?
The LLD Referral Centre is made up of a multidisciplinary team. The centre's duty is to conduct a supplementary diagnostic assessment in cases where complex language (spoken and/or written) and learning disorders are unresponsive to the initial treatment and rehabilitative measures.
First-line diagnostic assessments are not conducted. The Reference Centre networks with locally and regionally-based professionals. It is therefore not a management facility or a specialised school.
How to go about getting an evaluation at the Bourgogne LLD Referral Centre ?
A health or education professional sends a request to the CRTLA, enclosing the assessments already carried out. This request is studied by the team which sends the professional the acceptance or not of the care within the CRTLA. The latter contacts the family and if the answer is positive, the family contacts the secretariat in order to put together the complete file.
How is an assessment conducted ?
- 1st stage: nursing interview, interview with the social worker and medical consultation in order to specify the needs, to carry out a precise data collection, to support an MDPH file already in progress, to personalize the assessments, possibly to carry out examinations (ENT, ophthalmologic, orthoptic,...) and/or to set up relevant accompaniments (orthoptic, dietetic, psychological,...) upstream of the evaluation assessments
- 2nd step: Multidisciplinary evaluation: child psychiatric and neuropediatric consultations, with possible paraclinical assessment (blood test, EEG, cerebral MRI...), nursing interview, speech therapy, neuropsychology, occupational therapy, interview with the social worker according to the needs. If assessments have already been carried out, only a complementary assessment or a medical synthesis can be proposed.
- 3rd step: oral restitution and explanation of the diagnosis to the parents and the child with the handing over of a synthetic document specifying the diagnosis and the steps to take.
- 4th step: sending a complete report of each assessment and consultation as well as the recommendations for care to the family and to all the medical and paramedical professionals concerned. Possibly contact and/or meeting with the professionals (reeducators, teaching team, school doctor, school referent) to set up the necessary reeducations and educational adaptations. Preparation of the ALD 100% and MDPH certificates if necessary.
The team
Neuropediatrician, coordinating physician of the CRTLA at 40%.
Child psychiatrist at 30%. The child psychiatric consultation allows for the evaluation of the impact on the construction of the personality and self-esteem that language and/or learning disorders can have on the child. This also allows for a differential diagnosis with an autism spectrum disorder.
Speech therapist at 50%. The speech-language pathology assessment allows for the evaluation of oral language, written language and mathematical cognition.
Neuropsychologist at 60%. Within the framework of the CRTLA, the neuropsychologist evaluates cognitive functions such as attentional processes, memory, etc.
Occupational therapist at 40%. The occupational therapy assessment aims to evaluate the child's level of autonomy and independence in carrying out daily activities (hygiene, meals, dressing, solar activities, leisure, etc.).
Nurse coordinator at 50%. The coordinating nurse ensures the link between the CRTLA and the family, the school, the external professionals and the different structures.
Social worker at 20%.
Medical secretary at 50%.