Born on 6 May1982 in Saint-Martin-d’Hère
- University Lecturer - University Hospital Practitioner at Besançon University Hospital – University of Franche-Comté
Affiliations and main activities
- Hospital Service
- Affiliation: Biological Genetics, PCBio, Besançon University Hospital
- Main activity: Head of biological and constitutional genetics
- Research
- Affiliation: Inserm 1231 GAD team - Genetics of Developmental Disorders, University of Bourgogne.
- Main activity: Interpretation of genomic data applied to the identification of genetic bases for developmental disorders, especially in cutaneous mosaicism
- Teaching
- Affiliation: Faculty of Medicine (UFR SMP), University of Franche-Comté
- Main activity: Involvement in teaching Discipline of Genetics (sub-section 4704)
- Biological genetics Cytogenetics, Molecular Genetics, Mosaicism
University background
- 2004: MSBM (Master's in Biological and Medical Sciences) Certificate – Physiology and Biology of Integrated Systems – UJF Grenoble I
- 2007: Appointed junior doctor at Besançon University Hospital
- 2008: Module - Pathophysiology of communicable diseases – UFC Besançon, Master's 1 – Master's in Life Sciences and Health Sciences – UFC Besançon
- 2009: Inter-University Diploma - Applied Procreational Biology – UFC Besançon
- 2010: Professional Master's 2 – with specialisation in Cellular Biology, Physiology and Pathology (BCPP) Specialisation: Biology of human reproduction and assisted conception – Paris 5
- 2011: Research Master's 2 – with specialisation in Cellular Biology, Physiology and Pathology (BCPP) Specialisation: Reproduction and Development – Paris 5
- 2012: Medical Thesis and Higher Degree in Medical Biology – UFC Besançon
- 2013: Post-graduate (complementary specialised) Diploma in Andrology – UFC Besançon
- 2014: University degree in high-throughput sequencing and genetic diseases: Experimental approaches and bioinformatics tools – UB Dijon
- 2015: Post-graduate (complementary specialised) Diploma in Cytogenetics – UFC Besançon
- 2016: Science thesis – UFC Besançon
Work experience
- 2007-2012: Duties as junior doctor as part of the Higher Degree in Medical Biology (CHU Besançon)
- 2012-2015: Clinical lecturer, Biological Genetics, Prof. Bresson, Besançon University Hospital
- 2015-2016: Clinical lecturer, Laboratory of chromosomal and molecular genetics, Prof. Callier, CHU Dijon (mobility component)
- 2016-2017: University Hospital Practitioner, Biological Genetics, Prof. Davani, Besançon University Hospital
- 2017-: University Lecturer-Hospital Practitioner - Biological Genetics, Prof. Davani, Besançon University Hospital